Friday, December 17, 2010

What is Luxury? or I've Fallen in Love with L.L. Bean

Luxury is warmth. Warmth, dry clothes, and surviving in any weather.

My daughter is turning four this weekend! As we have several feet of snow in our yard from the last two weeks or so of snow, she wants to play outside in it. Of course. When she was outside with my mom for the first snow, I was ripping through all my things, trying to find something warm enough to wear and would keep me dry.


That's not to say I don't have coats. I have nice coats. They are also on the dressier/more fashionable side and hence, not good for playing in the snow.

I wanted snowpants. Strange wish for an adult, but I want snowpants so I can play outside with abandon. And when it comes to being warm and good qulity, L.L. Bean is the ONLY place to go.

L.L. Bean Gift Cards of any denomination are gratefullywelcome.  :)